What is itchy and dry eyes? Some ways to overcome itchy and dry eyes

Bài viết được thẩm định bởi Khúc xạ Nhãn khoa Nguyễn Thị Xuân Thủy

vào ngày 31/07/2024

Are itchy and dry eyes dangerous? Itchy and dry eyes occur frequently, causing discomfort, affecting the quality of study and work.

So what needs to be done to improve the itchy and dry eye condition? The information in this article will be useful to you.

What are itchy eyes and dry eyes?
Causes of itchy and dry eyes

Itchy eyes is a condition mainly caused by exposure to allergens with itchy eyes and itchy eyelids.

Dry eyes are caused by insufficient tear production or rapid tear evaporation. Tears have three main components: mucus, water, and fat. A deficiency in any of these three substances due to insufficient production or chemical imbalance in the composition causes dry eyes

Common symptoms of itchy and dry eyes

Some accompanying symptoms may include:

Fear of light
Foreign body sensation
Red eyes
Do I need to see a doctor for itchy and dry eyes?
When the symptoms you experience persist, they tend to get worse
Thick discharge from the eye, secretion of wire, eyes stuck together can not open eyes.
Blurred vision or decreased vision
Itchy eyelids, swollen eyelids, and a lot of pain.

You should contact your doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms for proper examination, advice and treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment will minimize possible complications.

Why are the eyes itchy and dry?

Itchy eyes are mainly caused by allergies. People with atopic allergies to asthma, eczema, and allergic rhinitis are at high risk when encountering allergic agents such as dust, pet dander, pollen, chemicals, exhaust gases, contact lens materials. , preservative ingredients in drugs, …

Itchy eyes are seen in diseases such as blepharitis, allergic conjunctivitis, spring conjunctivitis, giant papillary conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration.

Dry eyes can be seen in diseases such as Meibomius gland obstruction, Sjogren’s syndrome, Steven-Johnson syndrome, …

Factors that increase the risk of itchy and dry eyes
Risk factors for itchy eyes
Frequent rubbing and rubbing of the eyes can expose the eyes to allergens. In addition, excessive eye rubbing can lead to corneal damage, pain, and inflammation of the cornea.
Wearing contact lenses for many days, cleaning the lenses is not clean, bacteria can adhere to the surface of the lenses and cause itching and inflammation.
Risk factors for dry eyes
Excessive use of electronic devices also causes dry eyes
Obstruction of the Meibomius gland results in a lack of fat on the surface of the tear film that promotes faster evaporation.
Due to cleft palate (peripheral facial paralysis of the VII cord).
Dry eyes due to decreased blinking frequency when focusing on working for a long time on computers, phones, televisions, reading books.
Working in dusty, dry, or air-conditioned environments.
People who are using systemic drugs such as sedatives, antihypertensive drugs, antiarrhythmic drugs, diuretics, birth control pills.
Methods to diagnose itchy and dry eyes
Eye exam

Itchy and dry eyes are diagnosed based on history, clinical course, and microscopic examination.

In case of necessity, the doctor will take a test sample from the secretions of the eye to determine the presence of bacteria and fungi.

Effective treatment for itchy and dry eyes
Cold compress: For mild allergic itching, applying a cold cloth or gauze to the eyes will greatly reduce discomfort.
Artificial tears: Relieves symptoms of burning eyes caused by dry eyes.
Anti-allergy eye drops and oral medications: for more severe cases. Eye drops or oral medications containing mast cell stabilizers or antihistamines relieve symptoms.

However, this drug should be used under the direction of a doctor to limit possible side effects.

Living habits contribute significantly to reducing itchy and dry eyes
Some limiting habits cause itchy and dry eyes
Limit exposure to allergens in the environment: protect your eyes with sunglasses, windscreen dust, clean your house.
Remove makeup after makeup.
Wash your hands thoroughly, avoid rubbing your eyes to avoid scratching the surface of your eyes.
Pay attention to the materials and ingredients preserved in the contact lens cleaning solution.

Clean glasses regularly, stop using contact lenses during treatment.

Follow your doctor’s instructions and prescriptions.

Thus, for any unusual eye condition such as itchy and dry eyes, you should see a doctor, monitor your eye health regularly to make sure your eyes are always healthy.

At vivision kid, highly qualified doctors working at the Central Eye Hospital are very dedicated to consulting and answering all your questions.

Lời khuyên

Clean glasses regularly, stop using contact lenses during treatment.

Follow your doctor's instructions and prescriptions.

Thus, for any unusual eye condition such as itchy and dry eyes, you should see a doctor, monitor your eye health regularly to make sure your eyes are always healthy.

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Uy tín: Bằng khả năng giao tiếp và kết nối, chuyên gia Xuân Thủy ấn tượng với mọi người và bệnh nhân nhí bằng sự kiên trì, nhẹ nhàng đem lại một nguồn năng lượng tích cực.

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itchy and dry eyes